
MIVisionX toolkit is a set of comprehensive computer vision and machine intelligence libraries, utilities, and applications bundled into a single toolkit. AMD MIVisionX also delivers a highly optimized open-source implementation of the Khronos OpenVX™ and OpenVX™ Extensions.


Get ONNX models from ONNX Model Zoo

Sample - SqueezeNet

winML-image.gdf - Single Image Inference

This sample is in Graph Description Format (gdf)


runvx.exe -v winML-image.gdf

NOTE: Make the below changes in the winML-image.gdf file to run the inference

winML-live.gdf - Live Inference using a camera

This sample is in Graph Description Format (gdf)


runvx.exe -frames:LIVE winML-live.gdf

NOTE: Make the below changes in the winML-live.gdf file to run the inference

winML-Live-MultipleModels.gdf - Live Inference using a camera

This sample is in Graph Description Format (gdf)


runvx.exe -frames:LIVE winML-Live-MultipleModels.gdf

NOTE: Make the below changes in the winML-Live-MultipleModels.gdf file to run the inference

Sample - FER+ Emotion Recognition

This sample is in Graph Description Format (gdf)


runvx.exe -frames:LIVE winML-live-emotions.gdf

NOTE: Make the below changes in the winML-live-emotions.gdf file to run the inference

Sample - VGG19

This sample is in Graph Description Format (gdf)


runvx.exe -v winML-image-vgg19.gdf

NOTE: Make the below changes in the winML-live-vgg19.gdf file to run the inference