Getting Started


To install the latest version use pip3:

pip3 install


To build a project with rbuild, just run rbuild in the top-level source directory:

rbuild build -d deps/ -B build/

This will build any dependencies and install them into the deps/ directory, if the dependencies are not already built. After dependencies are installed, cmake will be configured in the build/ directory, and will build the all target.

CMake variables can be set by passing -D flags to the rbuild build command:

rbuild build -d deps/ -B build/ -DGPU_TARGETS=gfx90a

These flags are passed just to the building of the project and not the dependencies.

If you would like to run cmake directly then you can just install the dependencies first with:

rbuild prepare -d deps/

And then a build directory can be create and cmake can be invoked:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(pwd)/../deps/ ..