Development Guide

Miscellaneous Info


omnitrace-avail: source/bin/omnitrace-avail

The main of omnitrace-avail has three important sections:

  1. Printing components

  2. Printing options

  3. Printing hardware counters

omnitrace-sample: source/bin/omnitrace-sample

General design:

  • Requires a command-line format of omnitrace-sample <options> -- <command> <command-args>

  • Translates command line options into environment variables

  • Adds to LD_PRELOAD

  • Application is launched via execvpe with <command> <command-args> and modified environment

omnitrace-casual: source/bin/omnitrace-causal

Nearly identical design to omnitrace-sample when there is exactly one causal profiling configuration variant (this enables debugging).

When more than one causal profiling configuration variant it produced from command-line options, for each variant:

  • omnitrace-causal calls fork()

  • child process launches <command> <command-args> via execvpe which modified environment for variant

  • parent process waits for child process to finish

omnitrace-instrument: source/bin/omnitrace-instrument

  • Requires a command-line format of omnitrace-instrument <options> -- <command> <command-args>

  • User specifies in options whether they want to do runtime instrumentation, binary rewrite, or attach to process

  • Either opens the instrumentation target (binary rewrite), launches the target and stops it before it starts executing main (runtime), or attaches to running executable and pauses it

  • Finds all functions in target(s)

  • Finds libomnitrace-dl and finds the functions

  • Iterates over all the functions and instruments them as long as they satisfy the defined criteria (minimum number of instructions, etc.)

    • See the module_function class

  • Most of the workflow has been the same at the point but once the instrumentation is complete, it diverges

    • For a binary rewrite: outputs new instrumented binary and exits

    • For runtime instrumentation or attaching to a process: instructs the application to resume executing and then waits for the application to exit


Common Library: source/lib/common

General header-only functionality used in multiple executables and/or libraries. Not installed or exported outside of the build tree.

Core Library: source/lib/core

Static PIC library with functionality that does not depend on any components. Not installed or exported outside of the build tree.

Binary Library: source/lib/binary

Static PIC library with functionality for reading/analyzing binary info. Mostly used by the causal profiling sections of libomnitrace. Not installed or exported outside of the build tree.

libomnitrace: source/lib/omnitrace

This is the main library encapsulating all the capabilities.

libomnitrace-dl: source/lib/omnitrace-dl

Lightweight, front-end library for libomnitrace which serves 3 primary purposes:

  1. Dramatically speeds up instrumentation time vs. using libomnitrace directly since Dyninst must parse entire library in order to find instrumentation functions (libomnitrace is dlopen’ed when the instrumentation functions get called)

  2. Prevents re-entry if libomnitrace calls an instrumentated function internally)

  3. Coordinates communication between libomnitrace-user and libomnitrace

libomnitrace-user: source/lib/omnitrace-user

Provides a set of functions and types for the users to add to their code, e.g. disabling data collection globally or on a specific thread, user-defined regions, etc. If libomnitrace-dl is not loaded, the user API is effectively no-op function calls.



Most measurements and capabilities are encapsulated into a “component” with the following definitions:

  • Measurement: recording of some data relevant to performance, e.g. current call-stack, hardware counter values, current memory usage, timestamp

  • Capability: handles the implementation or orchestration of some feature which is used to collect measurements, e.g. a component which handles setting up function wrappers around various functions such as pthread_create, MPI_Init, etc.

Components are designed to hold no data at all or only the data for both an instantaeous measurement and a phase measurement.

Components which store data typically implement a static record() function (for getting a record of the measurement), start() + stop() member functions for calculating a phase measurement, and a sample() member function for storing an instantaneous measurement. In reality, there are several more “standard” functions but these are the most often used ones.

Components which do not store data may also have start(), stop(), and sample() functions but for components which implement function wrappers, they typically provide a call operator or audit(...) functions which are invoked with the wrappee function’s arguments before the wrappee gets called and with the return value after the wrappee gets called.

The goal of this design is to provide relatively small and resuable lightweight objects for recording measurements and/or implementing capabilities.

Wall-Clock Component Example

A component for computing the elapsed wall-clock time looks like this:

struct wall_clock
    using value_type = int64_t;

    static value_type record() noexcept
        return std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();

    void sample() noexcept
        value = record();

    void start() noexcept
        value = record();

    void stop() noexcept
        auto _start_value = value;
        value = record();
        accum += (value - _start_value);

    int64_t value = 0;
    int64_t accum = 0;

Function Wrapper Component Example

A component which implements wrappers around fork() and exit(int) (and stores no data) may look like this:

struct function_wrapper
    pid_t operator()(const gotcha_data&, pid_t (*real_fork)())
        // disable all collection before forking

        auto _pid_v = real_fork();

        // only re-enable collection on parent process
        if(_pid_v != 0)

        return _pid_v;

    void operator()(const gotcha_data&, void (*real_exit)(int), int _exit_code)
        // catch the call to exit and finalize before truly exiting


Component Member Functions

There are no real restrictions or requirements on the member functions a component needs to provide. Unless the component is being directly used, invocation of component member functions via “component bundlers” (provided via timemory) makes extensive use of template metaprogramming concept to find the best match (if any) for calling a components member function. This is a bit easier to demonstrate via example:

struct foo
    void sample() { puts("foo::sample()"); }

struct bar
    void sample(int) { puts("bar::sample(int)"); }

struct spam
    void start(int) { puts("spam::start()"); }
    void stop()     { puts("spam::stop()"); }

int main()
    auto _bundle = component_tuple<foo, bar, spam>{ "main" };





In the above, this would be the message printed:


In section A, the bundle determined only the spam object had a start function. Since this is determined via template metaprogramming instead of dynamic polymorphism, this effectively elides any code related to the foo or bar objects. In section B, since an integer of 10 was passed to the bundle, the bundle forwards that value onto spam::sample(int) after it invokes foo::sample() – which is invoked because it recognizes that the call is the sample member function is still possible without the arguments.

Memory Model

Collected data is generally stored in one of following 3 places:

  1. Perfetto (i.e. data is handed directly to perfetto)

  2. Managed implictly by timemory and accessed as needed

  3. Thread-local data

In general, only instrumentation for relatively simple data is directly passed to Perfetto and/or timemory during runtime. For example, the callbacks from binary instrumentation, user API instrumentation, and roctracer directly invoke calls to Perfetto and/or timemory’s storage model. Otherwise, the data is stored by omnitrace in the thread-data model which is more persistent than simply using thread_local static data (which is problematic because the data gets deleted when a thread terminates).

Thread Identification

Each CPU thread is assigned two integral identifiers. One identifier is simply an atomic increment everytime a new thread is created (called internal_value). The other identifier tries to account for the fact that OmniTrace, Perfetto, ROCm, etc. start background threads and for these threads (called sequent_value). When a thread is created as a byproduct of OmniTrace, the index is offset by a large value. This serves two purposes: (1) accessing the data for threads created by the user is closer in memory and (2) when log messages are printed, the index more-or-less correlates to the order of thread creation to the user’s knowledge.

The sequent_value is typically the one used to access the thread-data.

Thread-Data Class

Currently, most thread data is effectively stored in a static std::array<std::unique_ptr<T>, OMNITRACE_MAX_THREADS> instance. OMNITRACE_MAX_THREADS is a value defined a compile-time and set to 2048 for release builds. During finalization, omnitrace iterates over all the thread-data and then transforms that data into something that is passed to perfetto and/or timemory. The downside of the current model is that if the user exceeds OMNITRACE_MAX_THREADS, omnitrace segfaults. To fix this issue, a new model is being adopted which has all the benefits of this model but permits dynamic expansion.

Sampling Model

The general structure for the sampling is within timemory (source/timemory/sampling). Currently, all sampling is done per-thread via POSIX timers. Omnitrace supports using a realtime timer and a CPU-time timer. Both have adjustable frequencies, delays, and durations. By default, only CPU-time sampling is enabled. Initial settings are inherited from the settings starting with OMNITRACE_SAMPLING_. For each type of timer, there exists timer-specific settings that can be used to override the common/inherited settings for that timer specifically. For the CPU-time sampler, these settings start with OMNITRACE_SAMPLING_CPUTIME and OMNITRACE_SAMPLING_REALTIME for the realtime sampler. For example, OMNITRACE_SAMPLING_FREQ=500 initially sets the sampling frequency to 500 interrupts per second (based on their clock). Settings OMNITRACE_SAMPLING_REALTIME_FREQ=10 will lower the sampling frequency for the realtime sampler to 10 interrupts per second of realtime.

The omnitrace-specific implementation can be found in source/lib/omnitrace/library/sampling.cpp. Within sampling.cpp, you will a bundle of 3 sampling components: backtrace_timestamp, backtrace, and backtrace_metrics. The first component backtrace_timestamp simply records the wall-clock time of the sample. The second component backtrace records the call-stack via libunwind. The last component backtrace_metrics is responsible for recording the metrics for that sample, e.g. peak RSS, HW counters, etc. These 3 components are bundled together in a tuple-like struct (e.g. tuple<backtrace_timestamp, backtrace, backtrace_metrics>) a buffer of at least 1024 instances of this tuple are mmap’ed per-thread. When this buffer is full, before taking the next sample, the sampler will hand the buffer off to it’s allocator thread and mmap a new buffer. The allocator thread takes this data and either dynamically stores it in memory or writes it to a file depending on the value of OMNITRACE_USE_TEMPORARY_FILES. This schema avoids all allocations in the signal handler, allows the data to grow dynamically, avoid potentially slow I/O within the signal handler, and also enables the capability to avoid I/O altogether. The maximum number of samplers handled by each allocator is governed by the setting OMNITRACE_SAMPLING_ALLOCATOR_SIZE setting (the default is 8) – whenever an allocator has reached it’s limit, a new internal thread is created to handle the new samplers.

Time-Window Constraint Model

Recently with the introduction of tracing delay/duration/etc., the constraint namespace was introduced to improve the management of delays and/or duration limits of data collection. The spec class takes a clock identifier, a delay value, a duration value, and an integer indicating how many times to repeat the delay + duration. Thus, it is possible to perform tasks such as periodically enabling tracing for brief periods of time in between long periods without data collection during the application, e.g. OMNITRACE_TRACE_PERIODS = realtime:10:1:5 process_cputime:10:2:20 would enable five periods of no data collection for 10 seconds of realtime followed by 1 second of data collection + twenty periods of no data collection for 10 seconds of process CPU time followed by 2 CPU-time seconds of data collection.

Eventually, the goal is have all subsets of data collection which currently support more rudimentary models of time window constraints, such as process sampling and causal profiling, to be migrated to this model.