OmniTrace Output


The general output form of omnitrace is <OUTPUT_PATH>[/<TIMESTAMP>]/[<PREFIX>]<DATA_NAME>[-<OUTPUT_SUFFIX>].<EXT>.

E.g. with the base configuration:

export OMNITRACE_OUTPUT_PATH=omnitrace-example-output
$ omnitrace-instrument -- ./foo
[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/perfetto-trace.proto'...

[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/wall-clock.txt'...
[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/wall-clock.json'...

If we enable the OMNITRACE_USE_PID option, then when our non-MPI executable is executed with a PID of 63453:

$ omnitrace-instrument -- ./foo
[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/perfetto-trace-63453.proto'...

[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/wall-clock-63453.txt'...
[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/wall-clock-63453.json'...

If we enable OMNITRACE_TIME_OUTPUT, then a job started on January 31, 2022 at 12:30 PM:

$ omnitrace-instrument -- ./foo
[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/2022-01-31_12.30_PM/perfetto-trace-63453.proto'...

[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/2022-01-31_12.30_PM/wall-clock-63453.txt'...
[omnitrace] Outputting 'omnitrace-example-output/2022-01-31_12.30_PM/wall-clock-63453.json'...


OmniTrace will output a metadata.json file. This metadata file will contain information about the settings, environment variables, output files, and info about the system and the run:

  • Hardware cache sizes

  • Physical CPUs

  • Hardware concurrency

  • CPU model, frequency, vendor, and features

  • Launch date and time

  • Memory maps (e.g. shared libraries)

  • Output files

  • Environment Variables

  • Configuration Settings

Metadata JSON Sample

    "omnitrace": {
        "metadata": {
            "info": {
                "HW_L1_CACHE_SIZE": 32768,
                "HW_L2_CACHE_SIZE": 524288,
                "HW_L3_CACHE_SIZE": 16777216,
                "HW_PHYSICAL_CPU": 12,
                "HW_CONCURRENCY": 24,
                "LAUNCH_TIME": "02:04",
                "LAUNCH_DATE": "05/08/22",
                "TIMEMORY_GIT_REVISION": "52e7034fd419ff296506cdef43084f6071dbaba1",
                "TIMEMORY_VERSION": "3.3.0rc4",
                "TIMEMORY_API": "tim::project::timemory",
                "TIMEMORY_GIT_DESCRIBE": "v3.2.0-263-g52e7034f",
                "PWD": "/home/jrmadsen/devel/c++/AARInternal/hosttrace-dyninst/build-vscode",
                "USER": "jrmadsen",
                "HOME": "/home/jrmadsen",
                "SHELL": "/bin/bash",
                "CPU_MODEL": "AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3945WX 12-Cores",
                "CPU_FREQUENCY": 2400,
                "CPU_VENDOR": "AuthenticAMD",
                "CPU_FEATURES": [
                    "... etc. ..."
                "memory_maps": [
                        "end_address": "7f4013797000",
                        "start_address": "7f4012e58000",
                        "pathname": "/opt/rocm-5.0.0/hip/lib/",
                        "offset": "34a000",
                        "device": "103:05",
                        "inode": 4331165,
                        "permissions": "rw-p"
                        "end_address": "7f4013902000",
                        "start_address": "7f4013901000",
                        "pathname": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/",
                        "offset": "14d000",
                        "device": "103:05",
                        "inode": 42078854,
                        "permissions": "rwxp"
                        "end_address": "7f4013919000",
                        "start_address": "7f4013908000",
                        "pathname": "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/",
                        "offset": "6000",
                        "device": "103:05",
                        "inode": 42078874,
                        "permissions": "r-xp"
                        "...": "etc."
                "memory_maps_files": [
                    "... etc. ..."
            "output": {
                "text": [
                        "value": [
                        "key": "roctracer"
                        "value": [
                        "key": "wall_clock"
                "json": [
                        "value": [
                        "key": "roctracer"
                        "value": [
                        "key": "wall_clock"
            "environment": [
                    "value": "/home/jrmadsen",
                    "key": "HOME"
                    "value": "/bin/bash",
                    "key": "SHELL"
                    "value": "jrmadsen",
                    "key": "USER"
                    "value": "true",
                    "key": "... etc. ..."
            "settings": {
                "OMNITRACE_JSON_OUTPUT": {
                    "count": -1,
                    "environ_updated": false,
                    "name": "json_output",
                    "data_type": "bool",
                    "initial": true,
                    "enabled": true,
                    "value": true,
                    "max_count": 1,
                    "cmdline": [
                    "environ": "OMNITRACE_JSON_OUTPUT",
                    "config_updated": false,
                    "categories": [
                    "description": "Write json output files"
                "... etc. ...": {
                    "etc.": true

Configuring Output

Core Configuration Settings

Setting Value Description
OMNITRACE_OUTPUT_PATH Any valid path Path to folder where output files should be placed
OMNITRACE_OUTPUT_PREFIX String Useful for multiple runs with different arguments. See Output Prefix Keys
OMNITRACE_OUTPUT_FILE Any valid filepath Specific location for perfetto output file.
OMNITRACE_TIME_OUTPUT Boolean Place all output in a timestamped folder, timestamp format controlled via OMNITRACE_TIME_FORMAT
OMNITRACE_TIME_FORMAT String See strftime man pages for valid identifiers
OMNITRACE_USE_PID Boolean Append either the PID or the MPI rank to all output files (before the extension)

Output Prefix Keys

Output prefix keys have many uses but most useful when dealing with multiple profiling runs or large MPI jobs. Their inclusion in omnitrace stems from their introduction into timemory for compile-time-perf which needed to be able to create different output files for a generic wrapper around compilation commands while still overwriting the output from the last time a file was compiled.

If you are ever doing scaling studies and specifying options via the command line, it is highly recommend to just use a common OMNITRACE_OUTPUT_PATH, disable OMNITRACE_TIME_OUTPUT, set OMNITRACE_OUTPUT_PREFIX="%argt%-" and let omnitrace cleanly organize the output.

String Encoding
%argv% Entire command-line condensed into a single string
%argt% Similar to %argv% except basename of first command line argument
%args% All command line arguments condensed into a single string
%tag% Basename of first command line argument
%arg<N>% Command line argument at position <N> (zero indexed), e.g. %arg0% for first argument.
%argv_hash% MD5 sum of %argv%
%argt_hash% MD5 sum if %argt%
%args_hash% MD5 sum of %args%
%tag_hash% MD5 sum of %tag%
%arg<N>_hash% MD5 sum of %arg<N>%
%pid% Process identifier (i.e. getpid())
%ppid% Parent process identifier (i.e. getppid())
%pgid% Process group identifier (i.e. getpgid(getpid()))
%psid% Process session identifier (i.e. getsid(getpid()))
%psize% Number of sibling process (from reading /proc/<PPID>/tasks/<PPID>/children)
%job% Value of SLURM_JOB_ID environment variable if exists, else 0
%rank% Value of SLURM_PROCID environment variable if exists, else MPI_Comm_rank (or 0 non-mpi)
%size% MPI_Comm_size or 1 if non-mpi
%nid% %rank% if possible, otherwise %pid%
%launch_time% Launch date and time (uses OMNITRACE_TIME_FORMAT)
%env{NAME}% Value of environment variable NAME (i.e. getenv(NAME))
%cfg{NAME}% Value of configuration variable NAME (e.g. %cfg{OMNITRACE_SAMPLING_FREQ}% would resolve to sampling frequency)
$env{NAME} Alternative syntax to %env{NAME}%
$cfg{NAME} Alternative syntax to %cfg{NAME}%
%m Shorthand for %argt_hash%
%p Shorthand for %pid%
%j Shorthand for %job%
%r Shorthand for %rank%
%s Shorthand for %size%

Any output prefix key which contain a / will have the / characters replaced with _ and any leading underscores will be stripped, e.g. if %arg0% is /usr/bin/foo, this will translate to usr_bin_foo. Additionally, any %arg<N>% keys which do not have a command line argument at position <N> will be ignored.

Perfetto Output

Use the OMNITRACE_OUTPUT_FILE to specify a specific location. If this is an absolute path, then all OMNITRACE_OUTPUT_PATH, etc. settings will be ignored. Visit and open this file.





Timemory Output

Use omnitrace-avail --components --filename to view the base filename for each component. E.g.

$ omnitrace-avail wall_clock -C -f
|            COMPONENT            |   AVAILABLE   |        FILENAME        |
| wall_clock                      |     true      | wall_clock             |
| sampling_wall_clock             |     true      | sampling_wall_clock    |

Setting OMNITRACE_COLLAPSE_THREADS=ON and/or OMNITRACE_COLLAPSE_PROCESSES=ON (only valid with full MPI support) the timemory output will combine the per-thread and/or per-rank data which have identical call-stacks.

The OMNITRACE_FLAT_PROFILE setting will remove all call stack heirarchy. Using OMNITRACE_FLAT_PROFILE=ON in combination with OMNITRACE_COLLAPSE_THREADS=ON is a useful configuration for identifying min/max measurements regardless of calling context. The OMNITRACE_TIMELINE_PROFILE setting (with OMNITRACE_FLAT_PROFILE=OFF) will effectively generate similar data that can be found in perfetto. Enabling timeline and flat profiling will effectively generate similar data to strace. However, while timemory in general requires significantly less memory than perfetto, this is not the case in timeline mode so activate this setting with caution.

Timemory Text Output

Hint: the generation of text output is configurable via OMNITRACE_TEXT_OUTPUT

Timemory text output files are meant for human-consumption (use JSON formats for analysis) and as such, some fields such as the LABEL fields may be truncated for readability. Modification of the truncation can be changed via the OMNITRACE_MAX_WIDTH setting.

Timemory Text Output Example

In the below, the NN field in |NN>>> is the thread ID. If MPI support is enabled, this will be |MM|NN>>> and MM will be the rank. If OMNITRACE_COLLAPSE_THREADS=ON and OMNITRACE_COLLAPSE_PROCESSES=ON, neither the MM nor the NN will be present unless the component explicitly sets type-traits which specify that the data is only relevant per-thread or per-process, e.g. the thread_cpu_clock clock component.

|                                                                       REAL-CLOCK TIMER (I.E. WALL-CLOCK TIMER)                                                                      |
|                            LABEL                             | COUNT  | DEPTH  |   METRIC   | UNITS  |   SUM     |   MEAN    |   MIN     |   MAX     |   VAR    | STDDEV   | % SELF |
| |00>>> main                                                  |      1 |      0 | wall_clock | sec    | 13.360265 | 13.360265 | 13.360265 | 13.360265 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |   18.2 |
| |00>>> |_ompt_thread_initial                                 |      1 |      1 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.924161 | 10.924161 | 10.924161 | 10.924161 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |00>>>   |_ompt_implicit_task                                |      1 |      2 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.923050 | 10.923050 | 10.923050 | 10.923050 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.1 |
| |00>>>     |_ompt_parallel [parallelism=12]                  |      1 |      3 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.915026 | 10.915026 | 10.915026 | 10.915026 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |00>>>       |_ompt_implicit_task                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.647951 | 10.647951 | 10.647951 | 10.647951 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |00>>>         |_ompt_work_loop                              |    156 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000812 |  0.000005 |  0.000001 |  0.000212 | 0.000000 | 0.000018 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>         |_ompt_work_single_executor                   |     40 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000016 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>         |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit           |    308 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000629 |  0.000002 |  0.000001 |  0.000017 | 0.000000 | 0.000002 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>         |_conj_grad                                   |     76 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641165 |  0.140015 |  0.131894 |  0.155099 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    1.0 |
| |00>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |    803 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000292 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |   7904 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  7.420265 |  0.000939 |  0.000005 |  0.006974 | 0.000003 | 0.001613 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |   6004 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.283160 |  0.000047 |  0.000001 |  0.004087 | 0.000000 | 0.000303 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |   3952 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.829252 |  0.000716 |  0.000007 |  0.009005 | 0.000001 | 0.000985 |   99.7 |
| |00>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_reduction              |  15808 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.009142 |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000007 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |   1249 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000270 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>         |_ompt_work_single_other                      |    114 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000024 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>         |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation     |     76 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000876 |  0.000012 |  0.000008 |  0.000025 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |   84.4 |
| |00>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_reduction                |    304 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000136 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>         |_ompt_master                                 |    226 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.001978 |  0.000009 |  0.000000 |  0.000038 | 0.000000 | 0.000012 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.656145 | 10.656145 | 10.656145 | 10.656145 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.1 |
| |11>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649183 | 10.649183 | 10.649183 | 10.649183 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |11>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000852 |  0.000005 |  0.000002 |  0.000230 | 0.000000 | 0.000019 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    149 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000035 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.004135 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001233 | 0.000000 | 0.000070 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641302 |  0.140017 |  0.131896 |  0.155102 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.6 |
| |11>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   2023 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000458 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  8.253555 |  0.001044 |  0.000005 |  0.008021 | 0.000003 | 0.001790 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.263840 |  0.000044 |  0.000001 |  0.004087 | 0.000000 | 0.000297 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.059823 |  0.000521 |  0.000007 |  0.009508 | 0.000001 | 0.000863 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |     29 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000011 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |      5 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000002 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |11>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000975 |  0.000013 |  0.000008 |  0.000024 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.681664 | 10.681664 | 10.681664 | 10.681664 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.3 |
| |10>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649158 | 10.649158 | 10.649158 | 10.649158 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |10>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000863 |  0.000006 |  0.000002 |  0.000231 | 0.000000 | 0.000019 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    140 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000037 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.004149 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001221 | 0.000000 | 0.000070 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641288 |  0.140017 |  0.131896 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.7 |
| |10>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   1883 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000487 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  8.174545 |  0.001034 |  0.000005 |  0.006899 | 0.000003 | 0.001766 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.268808 |  0.000045 |  0.000001 |  0.004087 | 0.000000 | 0.000299 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.126988 |  0.000538 |  0.000007 |  0.009843 | 0.000001 | 0.000872 |   99.9 |
| |10>>>               |_ompt_sync_region_reduction            |   3952 |      8 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.002574 |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000014 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |    169 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000072 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000954 |  0.000013 |  0.000009 |  0.000023 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |   95.9 |
| |10>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_reduction              |     76 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000039 |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |10>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |     14 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000006 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.686552 | 10.686552 | 10.686552 | 10.686552 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.3 |
| |09>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649151 | 10.649151 | 10.649151 | 10.649151 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |09>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000880 |  0.000006 |  0.000002 |  0.000258 | 0.000000 | 0.000021 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    148 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000034 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.004129 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001210 | 0.000000 | 0.000069 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641308 |  0.140017 |  0.131895 |  0.155102 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.7 |
| |09>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   2043 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000473 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  7.977001 |  0.001009 |  0.000005 |  0.007325 | 0.000003 | 0.001732 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.242996 |  0.000040 |  0.000001 |  0.004087 | 0.000000 | 0.000284 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.350895 |  0.000595 |  0.000007 |  0.008689 | 0.000001 | 0.000926 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |      9 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000004 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000973 |  0.000013 |  0.000008 |  0.000025 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |  100.0 |
| |09>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |      6 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000002 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.721622 | 10.721622 | 10.721622 | 10.721622 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.7 |
| |08>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649135 | 10.649135 | 10.649135 | 10.649135 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |08>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000839 |  0.000005 |  0.000001 |  0.000231 | 0.000000 | 0.000019 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    141 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000030 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.004114 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001198 | 0.000000 | 0.000069 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641294 |  0.140017 |  0.131896 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.6 |
| |08>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   1742 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000392 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  8.306388 |  0.001051 |  0.000005 |  0.007886 | 0.000003 | 0.001795 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.274358 |  0.000046 |  0.000001 |  0.004090 | 0.000000 | 0.000302 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  1.991251 |  0.000504 |  0.000007 |  0.008694 | 0.000001 | 0.000844 |   99.8 |
| |08>>>               |_ompt_sync_region_reduction            |   7904 |      8 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.003816 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000017 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |    310 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000112 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000955 |  0.000013 |  0.000009 |  0.000026 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |   93.7 |
| |08>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_reduction              |    152 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000060 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |08>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |     13 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000005 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.747282 | 10.747282 | 10.747282 | 10.747282 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.9 |
| |07>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649093 | 10.649093 | 10.649093 | 10.649093 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |07>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000923 |  0.000006 |  0.000002 |  0.000231 | 0.000000 | 0.000019 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    152 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000048 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.003981 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001186 | 0.000000 | 0.000068 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641295 |  0.140017 |  0.131896 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.7 |
| |07>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   2043 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000648 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  7.978811 |  0.001009 |  0.000005 |  0.006728 | 0.000003 | 0.001732 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.199939 |  0.000033 |  0.000001 |  0.004086 | 0.000000 | 0.000255 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.385843 |  0.000604 |  0.000009 |  0.009039 | 0.000001 | 0.000938 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |      9 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000004 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000905 |  0.000012 |  0.000010 |  0.000025 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |  100.0 |
| |07>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |      2 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000001 |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.772278 | 10.772278 | 10.772278 | 10.772278 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    1.1 |
| |06>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649092 | 10.649092 | 10.649092 | 10.649092 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |06>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000888 |  0.000006 |  0.000002 |  0.000236 | 0.000000 | 0.000020 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    153 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000037 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.004090 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001175 | 0.000000 | 0.000067 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641317 |  0.140017 |  0.131896 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.8 |
| |06>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   2041 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000476 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  7.467961 |  0.000945 |  0.000005 |  0.010712 | 0.000003 | 0.001627 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.250883 |  0.000042 |  0.000001 |  0.004087 | 0.000000 | 0.000285 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.838733 |  0.000718 |  0.000009 |  0.009015 | 0.000001 | 0.001015 |   99.9 |
| |06>>>               |_ompt_sync_region_reduction            |   3952 |      8 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.003334 |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000025 | 0.000000 | 0.000001 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |     11 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000005 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000940 |  0.000012 |  0.000009 |  0.000025 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |   95.4 |
| |06>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_reduction              |     76 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000044 |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |06>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |      1 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.797950 | 10.797950 | 10.797950 | 10.797950 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    1.4 |
| |05>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649072 | 10.649072 | 10.649072 | 10.649072 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |05>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000879 |  0.000006 |  0.000001 |  0.000248 | 0.000000 | 0.000021 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    142 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000034 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.004062 |  0.000013 |  0.000002 |  0.001163 | 0.000000 | 0.000067 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641291 |  0.140017 |  0.131896 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.7 |
| |05>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   2038 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000500 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  8.279191 |  0.001047 |  0.000005 |  0.006596 | 0.000003 | 0.001792 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.250939 |  0.000042 |  0.000001 |  0.004090 | 0.000000 | 0.000286 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.039013 |  0.000516 |  0.000009 |  0.008689 | 0.000001 | 0.000855 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |     14 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000005 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000926 |  0.000012 |  0.000009 |  0.000023 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |  100.0 |
| |05>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |     12 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000005 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.825935 | 10.825935 | 10.825935 | 10.825935 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    1.6 |
| |04>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649068 | 10.649068 | 10.649068 | 10.649068 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |04>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000884 |  0.000006 |  0.000002 |  0.000245 | 0.000000 | 0.000020 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    150 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000034 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.004069 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001151 | 0.000000 | 0.000066 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641300 |  0.140017 |  0.131896 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    1.1 |
| |04>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   2041 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000448 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  7.438393 |  0.000941 |  0.000005 |  0.007090 | 0.000003 | 0.001624 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.270654 |  0.000045 |  0.000001 |  0.004090 | 0.000000 | 0.000295 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.819165 |  0.000713 |  0.000009 |  0.008379 | 0.000001 | 0.001013 |   99.9 |
| |04>>>               |_ompt_sync_region_reduction            |   7904 |      8 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.003932 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000015 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |     11 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000005 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000936 |  0.000012 |  0.000009 |  0.000025 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |   93.2 |
| |04>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_reduction              |    152 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000064 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |04>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |      4 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.849322 | 10.849322 | 10.849322 | 10.849322 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    1.8 |
| |03>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649075 | 10.649075 | 10.649075 | 10.649075 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |03>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000861 |  0.000006 |  0.000002 |  0.000238 | 0.000000 | 0.000020 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    120 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000028 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.003993 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001138 | 0.000000 | 0.000065 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641302 |  0.140017 |  0.131896 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.8 |
| |03>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   1756 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000426 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  8.005617 |  0.001013 |  0.000005 |  0.011500 | 0.000003 | 0.001741 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.231485 |  0.000039 |  0.000001 |  0.004086 | 0.000000 | 0.000277 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.320428 |  0.000587 |  0.000009 |  0.010868 | 0.000001 | 0.000912 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |    296 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000120 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000967 |  0.000013 |  0.000010 |  0.000023 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |  100.0 |
| |03>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |     34 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000013 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.876387 | 10.876387 | 10.876387 | 10.876387 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    2.1 |
| |02>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649050 | 10.649050 | 10.649050 | 10.649050 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |02>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000924 |  0.000006 |  0.000001 |  0.000241 | 0.000000 | 0.000020 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    139 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000040 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.003972 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001127 | 0.000000 | 0.000064 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641287 |  0.140017 |  0.131895 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.7 |
| |02>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   1902 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000553 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  7.906688 |  0.001000 |  0.000005 |  0.007068 | 0.000003 | 0.001713 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.261367 |  0.000044 |  0.000001 |  0.004088 | 0.000000 | 0.000295 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.402362 |  0.000608 |  0.000009 |  0.010399 | 0.000001 | 0.000944 |   99.9 |
| |02>>>               |_ompt_sync_region_reduction            |   3952 |      8 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.002937 |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000021 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |    150 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000073 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000895 |  0.000012 |  0.000009 |  0.000026 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |   95.2 |
| |02>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_reduction              |     76 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000043 |  0.000001 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |02>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |     15 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000007 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>       |_ompt_thread_worker                            |      1 |      4 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.901650 | 10.901650 | 10.901650 | 10.901650 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    2.3 |
| |01>>>         |_ompt_implicit_task                          |      1 |      5 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.649017 | 10.649017 | 10.649017 | 10.649017 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |    0.0 |
| |01>>>           |_ompt_work_loop                            |    156 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000863 |  0.000006 |  0.000001 |  0.000231 | 0.000000 | 0.000019 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>           |_ompt_work_single_other                    |    146 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000033 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit         |    308 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.004012 |  0.000013 |  0.000001 |  0.001115 | 0.000000 | 0.000064 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>           |_conj_grad                                 |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    | 10.641316 |  0.140017 |  0.131895 |  0.155101 | 0.000017 | 0.004080 |    0.8 |
| |01>>>             |_ompt_work_single_other                  |   1811 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000403 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>             |_ompt_work_loop                          |   7904 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  7.410337 |  0.000938 |  0.000005 |  0.010556 | 0.000003 | 0.001610 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implicit       |   6004 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.202494 |  0.000034 |  0.000001 |  0.003521 | 0.000000 | 0.000256 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>             |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation |   3952 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  2.943604 |  0.000745 |  0.000008 |  0.009033 | 0.000001 | 0.001024 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>             |_ompt_work_single_executor               |    241 |      7 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000093 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>           |_ompt_sync_region_barrier_implementation   |     76 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000917 |  0.000012 |  0.000009 |  0.000026 | 0.000000 | 0.000003 |  100.0 |
| |01>>>           |_ompt_work_single_executor                 |      8 |      6 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000004 |  0.000000 |  0.000000 |  0.000001 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |
| |00>>>   |_c_print_results                                   |      1 |      2 | wall_clock | sec    |  0.000049 |  0.000049 |  0.000049 |  0.000049 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |  100.0 |

Timemory JSON Output

Hint: the generation of flat JSON output is configurable via OMNITRACE_JSON_OUTPUT. The generation of hierarchical JSON data is configurable via OMNITRACE_TREE_OUTPUT.

Timemory represents the data within the JSON output in two forms: a flat structure and a hierarchical structure. The flat JSON data represents the data similar to the text files: the hierarchical information is represented by the indentation of the "prefix" field and the "depth" field. The hierarchical JSON contains additional information with respect to inclusive and exclusive value, however, it’s structure requires processing through recursion. This section of the JSON supports analysis by hatchet. All the data entries for the flat structure are in a single JSON array. This format is easier than the hierarchical format to write a simple Python script for post-processing.

Timemory JSON Output Sample

In the JSON below, the flat data starts at ["timemory"]["wall_clock"]["ranks"] and the hierarchical data starts at ["timemory"]["wall_clock"]["graph"]. E.g., accessing the name (prefix) of the nth entry in the flat data layout is: ["timemory"]["wall_clock"]["ranks"][0]["graph"][<N>]["prefix"]. When full MPI support is enable, the per-rank data in flat layout will be represented in as an entry in the “ranks” array; in the hierarchical data structure, the per-rank data is represented as entry in the “mpi” array (but “graph” is used in lieu of “mpi” when full MPI support is enabled). In the hierarchical layout, all data for the process is all a child of a (dummy) root node (which has the name unknown-hash=0).

    "timemory": {
        "wall_clock": {
            "properties": {
                "cereal_class_version": 0,
                "value": 78,
                "enum": "WALL_CLOCK",
                "id": "wall_clock",
                "ids": [
            "type": "wall_clock",
            "description": "Real-clock timer (i.e. wall-clock timer)",
            "unit_value": 1000000000,
            "unit_repr": "sec",
            "thread_scope_only": false,
            "thread_count": 2,
            "mpi_size": 1,
            "upcxx_size": 1,
            "process_count": 1,
            "num_ranks": 1,
            "concurrency": 2,
            "ranks": [
                    "rank": 0,
                    "graph_size": 112,
                    "graph": [
                            "hash": 17481650134347108265,
                            "prefix": "|0>>> main",
                            "depth": 0,
                            "entry": {
                                "cereal_class_version": 0,
                                "laps": 1,
                                "value": 894743517,
                                "accum": 894743517,
                                "repr_data": 0.894743517,
                                "repr_display": 0.894743517
                            "stats": {
                                "cereal_class_version": 0,
                                "sum": 0.894743517,
                                "count": 1,
                                "min": 0.894743517,
                                "max": 0.894743517,
                                "sqr": 0.8005659612135293,
                                "mean": 0.894743517,
                                "stddev": 0.0
                            "rolling_hash": 17481650134347108265
                            "hash": 3455444288293231339,
                            "prefix": "|0>>> |_read_input",
                            "depth": 1,
                            "entry": {
                                "laps": 1,
                                "value": 9808,
                                "accum": 9808,
                                "repr_data": 9.808e-06,
                                "repr_display": 9.808e-06
                            "stats": {
                                "sum": 9.808e-06,
                                "count": 1,
                                "min": 9.808e-06,
                                "max": 9.808e-06,
                                "sqr": 9.6196864e-11,
                                "mean": 9.808e-06,
                                "stddev": 0.0
                            "rolling_hash": 2490350348930787988
                            "hash": 8456966793631718807,
                            "prefix": "|0>>> |_setcoeff",
                            "depth": 1,
                            "entry": {
                                "laps": 1,
                                "value": 922,
                                "accum": 922,
                                "repr_data": 9.22e-07,
                                "repr_display": 9.22e-07
                            "stats": {
                                "sum": 9.22e-07,
                                "count": 1,
                                "min": 9.22e-07,
                                "max": 9.22e-07,
                                "sqr": 8.50084e-13,
                                "mean": 9.22e-07,
                                "stddev": 0.0
                            "rolling_hash": 7491872854269275456
                            "hash": 6107876127803219007,
                            "prefix": "|0>>> |_ompt_thread_initial",
                            "depth": 1,
                            "entry": {
                                "laps": 1,
                                "value": 896506392,
                                "accum": 896506392,
                                "repr_data": 0.896506392,
                                "repr_display": 0.896506392
                            "stats": {
                                "sum": 0.896506392,
                                "count": 1,
                                "min": 0.896506392,
                                "max": 0.896506392,
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                                "stddev": 0.0
                            "rolling_hash": 5142782188440775656
                            "hash": 15402802091993617561,
                            "prefix": "|0>>>   |_ompt_implicit_task",
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                            "entry": {
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                                "value": 896479111,
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                            "stats": {
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                                "count": 1,
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                                "sqr": 0.8036747964593504,
                                "mean": 0.896479111,
                                "stddev": 0.0
                            "rolling_hash": 2098840206724841601                        },
                            "..." : "... etc. ..."
            "graph": [
                        "cereal_class_version": 0,
                        "node": {
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                            "prefix": "unknown-hash=0",
                            "tid": [
                            "pid": [
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                                "entry": {
                                    "laps": 0,
                                    "value": 0,
                                    "accum": 0,
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                                    "repr_display": 0.0
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                                "stats": {
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                                    "count": 0,
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                                            "sum": 0.894743517,
                                            "count": 1,
                                            "min": 0.894743517,
                                            "max": 0.894743517,
                                            "sqr": 0.8005659612135293,
                                            "mean": 0.894743517,
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                                    "exclusive": {
                                        "entry": {
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                                            "mean": -0.001773605,
                                            "stddev": 0.0
                                "children": [
                                        "..." : "... etc. ..."

Timemory JSON Output Python Post-Processing Example

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import json

def read_json(inp):
    with open(inp, "r") as f:
        return json.load(f)

def find_max(data):
    """Find the max for any function called multiple times"""
    max_entry = None
    for itr in data:
        if itr["entry"]["laps"] == 1:
        if max_entry is None:
            max_entry = itr
            if itr["stats"]["mean"] > max_entry["stats"]["mean"]:
                max_entry = itr
    return max_entry

def strip_name(name):
    """Return everything after |_ if it exists"""
    idx = name.index("|_")
    return name if idx is None else name[(idx + 2) :]

if __name__ == "__main__":

    input_data = [[x, read_json(x)] for x in sys.argv[1:]]

    for file, data in input_data:
        for metric, metric_data in data["timemory"].items():

            print(f"[{file}] Found metric: {metric}")

            for n, itr in enumerate(metric_data["ranks"]):

                max_entry = find_max(itr["graph"])
                    "[{}] Maximum value: '{}' at depth {} was called {}x :: {:.3f} {} (mean = {:.3e} {})".format(

This script applied to the corresponding JSON output from Text Output Example would be:

[openmp-cg.inst-wall_clock.json] Found metric: wall_clock
[openmp-cg.inst-wall_clock.json] Maximum value: 'conj_grad' at depth 6 was called 76x :: 10.641 sec (mean = 1.400e-01 sec)