Getting Started


  1. Launch & Profile the target application with the command line profiler

    The command line profiler launches the target application, calls the rocProfiler API via the rocProf binary, and collects profile results for the specified kernels, dispatches, and/or hardware components. If not specified, Omniperf will default to collecting all available counters for all kernels/dispatches launched by the user’s executable.

    To collect the default set of data for all kernels in the target application, launch, e.g.:

    $ omniperf profile -n vcopy_data -- ./vcopy -n 1048576 -b 256

    The app runs, each kernel is launched, and profiling results are generated. By default, results are written to a subdirectory with your accelerator’s name e.g., ./workloads/vcopy_data/MI200/ (where name is configurable via the -n argument).


    To collect all requested profile information, it may be required to replay kernels multiple times.

  2. Customize data collection

    Options are available to specify for which kernels/metrics data should be collected. Note that filtering can be applied either in the profiling or analysis stage, however filtering at during profiling collection will often speed up your overall profiling run time.

    Some common filters include:

    • -k/--kernel enables filtering kernels by name.

    • -d/--dispatch enables filtering based on dispatch ID.

    • -b/--block enables collects metrics for only the specified (one or more) hardware component blocks.

    To view available metrics by hardware Block you can use the --list-metrics argument:

    $ omniperf analyze --list-metrics <sys_arch>
  3. Analyze at the command line

    After generating a local output folder (e.g. ./workloads/vcopy_data/MI200), the command line tool can also be used to quickly interface with profiling results. View different metrics derived from your profiled results and get immediate access all metrics organized by hardware blocks.

    If no kernel, dispatch, or hardware block filters are applied at this stage, analysis will be reflective of the entirety of the profiling data.

    To interact with profiling results from a different session, users just provide the workload path. -p/--path enables users to analyze existing profiling data in the Omniperf CLI.

  4. Analyze in the Grafana GUI

    To conduct a more in-depth analysis of profiling results we recommend users utilize the Omniperf Grafana GUI. To interact with profiling results, users must import their data to the MongoDB instance included in the Omniperf dockerfile.

    To interact with Grafana GUI data, stored in the Omniperf DB, users can enter database mode. For example:

     $ omniperf database --import [CONNECTION OPTIONS]



Modes change the fundamental behavior of the Omniperf command line tool. Depending on which mode is chosen, different command line options become available.

  • Profile: Target application is launched on the local system using AMD’s ROC Profiler. Depending on the profiling options chosen, selected kernels, dispatches, and/or hardware components in the application are profiled and results are stored locally in an output folder (./workloads/<name>).

    $ omniperf profile --help
  • Analyze: Profiling data from -p/--path directory is loaded into the Omniperf CLI analyzer where users have immediate access to profiling results and generated metrics. Metrics are quickly generated from the entirety of your profiled application or a subset you’ve identified through the Omniperf CLI analysis filters.

    To generate a lightweight GUI interface users can add the --gui flag to their analysis command.

    This mode is designed to be a middle ground to the highly detailed Omniperf Grafana GUI and is great for users who want immediate access to a hardware component they’re already familiar with.

    $ omniperf analyze --help
  • Database: Our detailed Grafana GUI is built on a MongoDB database. --import profiling results to the DB to interact with the workload in Grafana or --remove the workload from the DB.

    Connection options will need to be specified. See the Grafana Analysis import section for more details on this.

    $ omniperf database --help

Global Options

The Omniperf command line tool has a set of ‘global’ options that are available across all modes.



-v / --version

Print Omniperf version and exit.

-V / --verbose

Increase output verbosity (use multiple times for higher levels).

-q / --quiet

Reduce output and run quietly.

-s / --specs

Print system specs and exit.


Omniperf also recognizes the project variable, OMNIPERF_COLOR, should the user choose to disable colorful output. To disable default colorful behavior, set this variable to 0.

Basic Operations



Required Arguments

Profile a workload


--name, -- <profile_cmd>

Standalone roofline analysis


--name, --roof-only, -- <profile_cmd>

Import a workload to database


--import, --host, --username, --workload, --team

Remove a workload from database


--remove, --host, --username, --workload, --team

Launch standalone GUI from CLI


--path, --gui

Interact with profiling results from CLI

